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Property Manager

Akwajobs   (Douala, Cameroon)

Posted : 4 June, 2021
Category : accounting, finance and / or management science   Location : Douala, Cameroon
Job type : Full Time


SCI SOTRADIC is a Civil Real Estate Company headquartered in Akwa-Douala, Salle des Fêtes roundabout, Boulevard de la République. It specializes in the management and operation of various real estate products, in particular the rental of furnished and unfurnished accommodation, spaces for offices, stores and shopping centers in several cities of Cameroon, such as Yaoundé, Douala. and Bafoussam.

SCI SOTRADIC also operates in the residential hotel market. It provides several services for this purpose, in particular: furnished accommodation, catering, car rental, massage service, laundry, swimming pool, a gym, banquet and conference rooms. SCI SOTRADIC counts three   semi-hotel complexes in the city of Douala:

Ø   The Residence le CARAT , in Bonapriso, Avenue De Gaulle;

Ø   The Le Carat residence , located opposite the Akwa Festival Hall;

Ø   The Blue Sky Residence , located at the Bessengue red light.



- Aged between 30 and 45 years old

- Holder of a BAC + 03 in accounting, finance and / or management science

- Justify professional experience of at least 03 years in management


1.    Carry out commercial actions with a view to reducing the availability rate of unoccupied housing in buildings

2.    Also propose marketing actions in the same direction

3.    Negotiate contractual details with tenants and monitor the development of the lease contract

4.    Follow the lease contracts and ensure following the final agreement with the tenant at the end of these (termination or renewal to the application of the provisions relating thereto)

5.    Follow the recovery of creditors and produce monthly a statement of unpaid debts as well as the actions relating thereto for the recovery

6.    Ensure the upkeep and maintenance of buildings


- Having a good knowledge of the real estate environment is an asset

- Have knowledge of accounting and administrative management

- Have knowledge  of health, safety and environment regulations

- Good computer skills (Excel, etc ...)

- Bilingual (French and English)

Applications made up of the following documents:

1.      A job application (specifying the position)

2.      An updated CV

3.      Photocopy of the   valid National Identity Card

4.      Photocopy of diplomas and / or training certificate

5.      Photocopies of work certificates, work certificate and / or internship certificate

6.      An entire photo card

Will be sent to the following email address sotradicrh@gmail.com or deposited at our General Management located at the AKWA village hall roundabout (Douala)   at the SOREPCO building before 06/30/2021




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Pourquoi choisir ce forfait




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Pourquoi choisir ce forfait 




Rédigé de manière professionnelle par des experts qui connaissent votre secteur d'activité pour donner au recruteur un avant-goût de qui vous êtes. Tous les avantages d'un CV bien structuré s'appliquent ici comme ci-dessus 


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Pourquoi choisir ce forfait




Des experts exécutifs structurent votre expérience d'une manière conviviale pour Google et vous font remarquer. Tous les avantages d'un CV et d'une lettre de motivation bien rédigés s'appliquent ici. 


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