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Head of Permanent Control Department

Akwajobs   (Douala, Cameroon)

Posted : 4 June, 2021
Category : Accounting and Finance, Banking and Finance, Audit and Control, Management Control.   Location : Douala, Cameroon
Job type : Full Time



Design and develop an internal control system.

Design a control plan in accordance with the standards in force in the banking sector, in particular those relating to internal control in establishments, c corporate governance and the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Develop best practices in terms of business openness, in particular by monitoring the holding of the various specialized committees and ensuring the consistency of their content, and the evaluation according to a predefined periodicity of the corporate ver nce system put in place.

Ensure the effective implementation of the control system and the permanent supervision of the internal control activities of each operational unit.

    Supervise the realization of control.

Check the compliance of the erasions carried out and of the organization with the regulatory provisions in force.

    Analyze, then exposure to risks and propose improvement plans.

    Guarantee the ua i th level of security of information systems.

    Telling the arity, security, and validity of operations performed in support functions.

Dif e an appropriate% control culture so as to establish a conducive control environment, to engage the operational units in the implementation of this culture.

'' ensure the proper functioning of the anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism mechanism, in particular by monitoring customer knowledge procedures, improving internal control systems in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, the effectiveness of the transmission of the various suspicious transaction reports to the ANIF.

Contribute to the management of change by anticipating and supporting the transformations necessary to improve performance and control of activities.

Train the team of controllers and coordinate their activities.

Organize training for Bank employees in order to make them aware of issues such as customer protection or the fight against money laundering.

Atlantic Bank Cameroon

Headquarters: Akwa Douala BP. 2933 Douala - Cameroon

Tel .: (237) 233 42 10 66 - Fax: (237) 233 42 10 71 SA with share capital of: 13,000,000,000 CFA francs

RC NO DLA / 2008 / B / 1195 - NO Contrib MAAA DFB 08W7 OO - Approval NO 00000 322 / MINFl of 06 July 2015

3- Coordinate the surveillance, monitoring and reporting of control operations.

Organize and coordinate reporting, monitoring and prevention tools for the control system. Follow up on the controls put in place, and bank processing procedures via an alert escalation system.

Supervise the drafting of reports to General Management, relating to the operation of the internal control system.



Minimum Bac + 5 in Accounting and Finance, Banking and Finance, Audit and Control, Management Control, or any other similar discipline. Minimum of 5 years experience in a similar position, preferably within a bank or an audit firm

      Strength of proposal

Rigor and precision


Strong analytical and synthesis capacity

Relational ease


Submission of Applications  

Send your letter of appointment and your curriculum vitae to rh.recrutement@banqueatlantique.net no later than Tuesday June 15, 2021, specifying in the subject line “Head of Permanent Control Department”.

Any can idaturòeçée by a channel other than that indicated will not be considered.

Also, after this date, if you have not been contacted, please consider that your application has not been accessed.







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