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Consultancy_Safe and Inclusive Programming (SIP)_ “Protection Mainstreaming” at NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council

Akwajobs   (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal)

Posted : 2 February, 2022
Category : Program/Project Management   Location : Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal
Job type : Full Time

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) invites qualified firms/ Consultants to tender for the following consultancy service:


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 75 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people. NRC advocates for the rights of displaced populations and provides assistance within shelter, education, livelihood and food security, information counselling and legal assistance, and water, sanitation and hygiene as well as protection. We work in crises across 31 countries, where we help save lives and rebuild futures. In 2020 we assisted more than 11 million people.

NRC is in the process of rolling out a comprehensive approach to mainstreaming protection across its programming interventions through ‘**Safe and Inclusive Programming’ (SIP)**. SIP is another term to describe protection mainstreaming in humanitarian aid. SIP is a foundational element to all our Ways of Working - It is about how we work, and what we do to make sure it is safe for others to participate in our programming. It ensures that our programmes respect certain standards, so they are safe, participatory, accountable and dignified for the communities and people we work with and for.

Through Minimum Standards for Safe and Inclusive Programming we work to incorporate protection principles and promote safety, dignity and access in humanitarian aid. We are doing this by taking into account the following elements[1]:

· Prioritising safety, dignity and avoiding causing harm (preventing and minimising as much as possible unintended negative effects of our interventions)

· Promoting meaningful access to assistance and services (paying attention to individuals and groups who may be particularly vulnerable and have difficulty accessing, including diverse age, gender, and diversity groups)

· Accountability (ensuring appropriate mechanisms for affected populations to measure the adequacy of interventions, and address concerns and complaints)

· Participation (of communities in our programming and empowerment of individuals to claim their rights)

To support the roll-out of NRC’s new Minimum Standards for Safe and Inclusive Programming, NRC Central and West Africa Regional Office is looking for a consultant to support NRC country offices in the region to do their SIP self-assessment and developed their resulting action plan.

The NRC Central and West Africa region is composed of country offices in Burkina Faso/Niger, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, and Nigeria. All countries are experiencing a deterioration of the security situation, increasing humanitarian needs and displacements due to conflict. The Central and West Africa Regional Office (CWARO), based in Dakar, oversees the country operations in the region, and provides strategic guidance and oversight across core programme, advocacy and support functions.

Desired deliverables of the work

1. Disseminate the new SIP Minimum Standards for Safe and Inclusive Programming guidance and Toolkit

The Regional SIP Consultant will disseminate relevant parts of the Minimum Standards for Safe and Inclusive Programming and contextualise the Toolkit with relevant CO staff (Heads of Programs, CC specialists, PMs, PDMs, Coordinators, RO Programme staff as appropriate).

2. Support country offices to do their SIP self-assessment

The Regional SIP Consultant will support seven countries to conduct their Self-Assessment to define their baseline. This Self-Assessment will be based on colour-coding of the Standards.

3. Support country offices to develop their SIP Action Plan resulting from the self-assessment

Based on the Self-Assessment, the seven countries will organise a workshop to develop an Action Plan.

4. Final consultancy report

This report will detail the field-testing process, lessons learnt and consolidated feedback from field users and regional programme team about the Minimum Standards for Safe and Inclusive Programming and related Toolkit.

Duties of the consultant

The consultant will report to the Regional Programme Director at regular and agreed times during the consultancy to help ensure success of the project. The consultant is required to retain flexibility and respond to the provided feedback. NRC will determine the acceptability of final deliverables, and will be responsible for their implementation and dissemination.

Duties of NRC

NRC will

· Provide material serving as the basis on which the consultancy should be done

· Provide a suitable understanding of NRC’s work,

· Provide administrative facilitation and ensure time available from relevant colleagues

· Provide timely feedback to the consultant

Implementation schedule and estimated inputs

Consultancy is expected to start as soon as possible (February 2022) with a targeted deliverable date for finalising SIP self- assessment and Action plans by End of July 2022.

Qualifications of the consultant

· Knowledge and experience of safe and inclusive programming (protection mainstreaming) policies and standards relevant to humanitarian action

· Demonstrable experience in developing training and capacity-building

· Knowledge of working with NRC’s programmes and systems is an advantage

· Fluency in English and French, both written and verbal.

Submission of interest

Interested applicants should submit the following:

· An up-to-date curriculum vitae and a cover letter

· An in-depth methodology on how you will undertake work and achieve outputs set out in the terms of reference;

· Examples of relevant work

· A proposed budget, including number of days of work and daily rate (in Euro)

[1] NRC follows the approach set by the Global Protection Cluster for protection mainstreaming.

How to apply

Deadline: All bids must be submitted no later than 14 February 2022 at 12: 00 PM (Dakar time) by email to sn.procurement@nrc.no

Late bids will be automatically rejected.

Tender documents

Download the full TOR (FR/ENG) and RFQ with detailed instructions or Requested by email to sn.procurement@nrc.no

For additional information, please send your inquiries tosn.procurement@nrc.no before the closing date



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Recruitments in Cameroon are free, be careful if fees are requested and never send money by electronic transfer (MOMO or OM), or personal documents like your CNI

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