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Master the arts of marketing and selling yourself if you truly want to land that dream job of yours
Posted November 27th, 2022 -- 6:34 PM

Nor matter how many years you spend going to school, obtaining certificates and building incredible portfolio, if you cannot master the arts of marketing and selling your skills in such an irresistible manner to employers, you might just keep receiving a constant rejection in your job search as a young professional and as a job seeker.
The truth is every degree, certificate or qualification you have gotten is "an applied" pursuit which still needs a lot of bench work (PRACTICALS) to prove it's worth. Once you fail to back that your MSc., MBA, CPA and many more expensive national and international qualifications with skills that are marketable and can give an employer reasons to hire you, you will still get rejections in your job search. Once you lack a reasonable work experience either as graduate work experience especially during your school years, what ever certificate and degree you get is questionable and this is also perceived as a weakness on your part to make sound life choices.
There are people with over 18 years of work experience yet they still struggle with job search, receiving hundreds of rejections from employers. The thing here is, there is a big difference between "great achievements" and marketing and selling yourself. If you fail to present your skills in such a manner that will make the employer see you as the perfect fit for a job, then your years of experience will stand to suffer lack of justification.
Qualifications and professional achievements are good but how do you stand to back the skills you "claim" to have in order to get the job?
If this question is on your mind and you do not seem to have a clear answer to it, then you can think of joining my "LAND YOUR NEXT JOB COACHING PROGRAM" group through 674542410 where I will be revealing five things you need to take into consideration when preparing to market and sell yourself in the right manner.
1. How to prepare your accomplishment marketing tools (CV/Resume, Cover letter, LinkedIn profile and Facebook Bio)
2. How to be flexible with each job post and edit your application documents accordingly
3. How to go about job search as whole
4. How to network and ask for help from the right people
5. How to prepare for an interview once you land a job
